django CMS

django CMS

django CMS is a modern web publishing platform built with Django, the web application framework “for perfectionists with deadlines”. django CMS offers out-of-the-box support for the common features you’d expect from a CMS, but can also be easily customised and extended by developers to create a site that is tailored to their precise needs.

Enterprise-ready features and support

django CMS has been actively developed and maintained by Divio since 2007 with frequent updates and regular LTS (long-term support) releases. It's backed by dedicated support and full-time developers. django CMS is built around the needs of large-scale multi-lingual site deployments, with both developers and site owners in mind.

For developers

django CMS was originally conceived by web developers frustrated with the technical and security limitations of other systems. django CMS is a well-behaved Django application. Any Python developer will quickly find themselves at home with it, and enjoy its easy integration with other Django applications.

For publishers and content creators

django CMS is user friendly and has an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. It's built around the needs of multi-lingual publishing by default, not as an afterthought: all websites, pages and content can exist in multiple language versions. SEO and content marketing features are built-in and ensure your site is easily indexed and understood by search engines to promote your content.

The addon ecosystem

Addons are created and shared by the django CMS developer community and provide ready integrations with many third-party services and new extended features to save you time. Addons are available on the django CMS Marketplace and available under business-friendly open-source licences so you can have confidence in the code you add to your django CMS project. django CMS add-ons are well behaved and work seamlessly with other Python modules.

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